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Mega Link 

Unfortunately I had lost more of the story than I thought and got caught in some analysis paralysis trying to scramble to get the story moving as well as fitting the combat code. I'm releasing the 15.99 Alpha which contains a dev link right after the character creation screen  at the top.

You'll be able to battle Batgirl, grope her, shark her and see a defeat and win scene. I'm working to get back on track with the story and incorporating the content I've created with the story to move everything forward. You may have to hit the restart button on the side if you try the battle a few times as I still need to add some variable reset code. 

There's also an option that let's you keep fighting instead of ending the battle which will be removed once i put the battle scene in the arena proper.



When I try to battle Batgirl, I can't. I get an error. I am stuck in going home, battling WonderWoman, interacting with the Mother and daughter. Can't get Circe to advance the feminization or go to LexCorp.


Batgirl is bugged, can't initiate a fight. Can't advance any feminization story with circe/barbara. Error when trying to get massage. Multiple images missing throughout the game.