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 Albert, the King

In the world of darkness, there is a race trying to hold the balance of nature. In reality, what that means is they are trying to keep nature’s head above water, so it does not perish. Some link these people to Gaia, who created them to protect the interest of Earth. What would be more of a given than for the living, breathing Nature’s natural enemy to be the very much unnatural vampires, in all their un-living. Mother Nature’s children, the werewolves, are the ones with whom Albert, the cheeky, silly, slightly impetuous man belongs. He wasn’t merely born amongst them, he carries the most noble of bloodlines a werewolf could. This bloodline is also known as Gaia’s Hand, and it lets the bearer move the entire species, and rule over them as if they were but a single pack. The one tiny issue in all this is Albert’s unwillingness to rule, claiming that simply being born the way he did does not make him a righteous heir to the throne.
This approach of his is what lead to him teaming up with a group of vampires with whom he is trying to save the world, and stumbles upon something he couldn’t have imagined in his wildest dreams.
That something, or rather, someone, is Sekhmet. But that’s a story for another day, kids.

Albert by Soslon (our GM)




I love as you can see my world.