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Especially the one between her legs made her weak in the knees, with all its probing and moving about. All that stimulation is far too distracting to make it back to her car on foot. All she can do is wait it out. Once deposits are made, the critters need to rest and recover and so will take a little nap. She'll just use that time to run back to her car and get back home. It'll be fine. Three new images have been added to the story folder.

Captions to sketches up here:

1. "All that fancy gear is for cowards, I got all the guns I need right here" [Jasmine, pre slugworm trouble]. Tried my hand at drawing a man; somehow this is more challenging than drawing women.... Also, added in the characters folder.

2. Concept art of Jasmine's ride. In the current story, she parked it a few kilometers away, so as to not alert any prey prematurely. 

Fist update of the new year. Links to the archive can be found here. Please enjoy.





Don't know why, but I'm assuming those eggs she is getting orally probably ain't for hatching. Have to keep the incubator looked after somehow; can't see the critters being able to bring her food...


Is the man in the picture Jasmine's boss? You seem to get along well with Jasmine.


no he's just another hunter like her. he just invested a bit more money in his gear than she did.


the fluids that get pumped in along with the eggs are full of nutrients, she can last quite a while on that first load. they can leave and come back whenever they want and when not carrying eggs, they use their ovipositors to feed her, like bees feeding their queen royal jelly.


i would really like to see more of the alien enviroment. like the critter in one of your future stories could bring one of the girls to their nest where some other failed adventures reside in varios contraptions. if you're upp to explore that artstyle and/or milking/seedbeds. love your work as always!