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Alpha must be so proud....


Finally, another update. Images 19-23 are uploaded to the archives and will be added in discord ASAP. Also, the CO's first name is Sarah. 

Martha, the first victim in this story was taken down so fast, we almost forgot she's actually a highly trained operator, just like the others. Her specialty is heavy weapons and explosives. If there had been a little more space, and she had her gear with her, the alpha would have stood no chance, probably.... Here's a WIP of a drawing of her when she's better prepared.

I know I said I was going to introduce a new story last time, but that is going to have to wait.

Archive links can be found here.




NGL, would rather see the lasses somehow live to see another day, having picked up valuable experience (and kinks) along the way. But hey, you're the artist. I'm happy to tag along for the ride. Keep up your good work!


Thanks! It isn't over yet, and there is still a way out even if they all get egged and fully webbed up.


Another amazing set of images! This story has been an absolute goldmine so far and I can't wait to see the next set :) Keep up the great work 👍


Is a woman with glasses inserted in a spider at 27p destined to be spawned like Martha? keep up your great work!