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Hey everyone,

Just a general patreon update here. It's probably a bit of bad news (but important for this place so please read the whole thing, so you know what's going on). 

You may have noticed I have not posted anything in a few weeks. Well, it looks like I have lost all motivation to draw. One day a couple of weeks ago it just disappeared. Every day since then I have tried to draw stuff, anything, but it just ends with me staring at a blank canvas for a while before i give up. At the moment the act of drawing is just not enjoyable. I have no idea why, or when things might go back to normal, could be a few more weeks, or months or longer. 

So please know that I value all your support, but I cannot accept any financial support when I know I can't create anything in return. 

That means I am either going to pause billing or take the whole patreon page offline before the end of the month. I need to see what the implications of each option are. I think if I pause billing, then anyone who joins after the end of the month will get charged, but anyone who is already a supporter does not (?). But that would mean the page would still be online. Taking the patreon offline does what it says.

I will let you know by the end of next week what I have decided. If you have any opinions about this, do let me know. Even though I can't draw at the moment, I can still read.

Either way, I will keep the current links to the archives active also after the end of the month.   



Burnout is burnout. I would suggest taking a step back and maybe doing something else. There seems to be a story behind the artwork so why not just look at some world building? Try writing something; coming up with some history and how the flora and fauna of the planet fit's together. Maybe sketch the ship that brought them here or some of the landscape that the planet has. Maybe try a few one shots of various girls in trouble with different creatures/plants, really let your imagination go to work without being locked into a bigger story. Those are my suggestions as a writer anyway.


I'd say put things on pause, that way you and community can still put out ideas and such for later :) I recall a few chats back you commenting about some of the earlier art and I chipped in about how I could really feel the labour of love in those particular characters (pre-patreon adventurer and monster hunter), and how I particularly loved their expressiveness. I think maybe taking a break without any production quota to fill will be good, and when you do start drawing it will be more personal inspiration involved again instead of need to keep feeding us stuff to enjoy ;) Mainly don't stress it, keep this place here so we can check in for new developments or throw some chat around about your art, and when you feel like putting up something new we'll see it and go from there? And take care meanwhile, your work is beautiful :)