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So it begins...


All the basic elements of the story are here: Evie, the monster, the environment, the slime. I might refine the backgrounds a bit, since these are quite rough in places, but in general, this is the look I am going for. 

The main antagonist is a snow lizard (page 4, name might change if i can come up with something better). It's another slime spitter, with strong jaws, excellent for biting. It is fat and slow, definitely not a nimble fighter. It prefers to let its slime do the work. The snow lizard is a solitary creature and generally doesn't tolerate the presence of other living things nearby. 

The snow lizard already slimed one critter today, it has no problem sliming another. 

The narrative will generally follow the original big game hunting (until page 7 at least), but I will make minor changes to the story here and there, hopefully for the better.


And the next bit to marine biology will come in a few days.

Archive links can be found here 




hey zero G do you think you'll ever finish gastropod ambush?


looking at these pages, its pretty amazing to see how much you drawings improved since i first saw them on the pixiv specially the detail on the clothes/weapon and the lights, congrats man


I'd love to see gastropod get finished. Hot girl and nice shiney slime!


Thanks man! That's so nice to hear. But yeah I feel I slowly am getting better at this stuff. Still have a long way to go though.