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So I received a couple of comments about Evie's outfit not being approprate for the situation, or not being realistic. I mean, the scenarios I draw out are not exactly realistic anyway, but I try to have things make sense within the context of the stories. 

Now I'm interested in your opinion: should I do outfits more like what I showed for Evie before, with the heels and ventilation, or would something like this be preferable (just a minor edit, to give an idea): 

I'll leave the poll up for a while, at least until I need to make Evie's design final, for the next pages of the story. 



Although I voted for the top one, I think we come here for your imagination, to be honest. I'm sure that whatever design you start with it'll get plenty of appreciation.


Def a bigger fan of full tactical, combat boots, etc. Pretty much everything you design is great though!