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In the first of a few smaller updates for this month: Hexapods clearly don't care about respecting company property. The cost of replacing that wetsuit is going to come out of Elizabeth's salary....


Pages 15 and 16 will come later this week. Also, the archive links for December have been updated, so the old ones no longer work.




That would be amazing!


Where the link? I can't see it.


All the links are in the pinned comment ("Upcoming works and archive links"). It should be on top. Or you can search by tag "archive", it's the only post that will then come up.


Jumping in on this convo just to ask a question if you don't mind. I love your art! Any chance you're intending to do something humanoid at all as well? Love to see one of the girls in some sort of goblin breeding den. No complaints on any of the content so far mind you. I joined with the Pest Control arch and have loved everything so far! Thank you


Goblin like creatures could be an excellent adversary. I have had small goblins in exploratory sketches before. Could be interesting to have enemies that use tools and gear dropped by humans to take down some adventurers. I like this idea. I am also a pretty big fan of goblin slayer, the mangas have some interesting scenarios