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Hexapods are actually pretty friendly, inquisitive and easily distracted. Just entertain it for a bit, and it will forget why it was checking out the human trespassing on its breeding grounds. It probably wont appreciate being played once it realizes...


Four new pages are added to the marine biology story and concludes the first chapter of the story. 




I think it is fair if some have actual bad ends, making stories more tense for all when you know they are not guaranteed to survive. I remember the early story where one has her head bitten off, for example. The unpredictable can add to the impact of the stories if we do not know the outcome every time in advance ;)


Well it's not so much "Fair" as it is that the majority of people aren't really into the whole gore-porn/snuff/guro genre. Think from a financial point as well. if you got 20 people going "YEAH GORE PORN!" and pay 4 bucks a head, vs 1000 people saying "please no gore porn" at 4 bucks a head. Which group would you think can help cover most living expenses and bills? wouldn't it be nicer if they could grow to the point where they could do this fulltime?


What was that thing that the baby Hexapod stole from Elizabeth's wrist?