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I want to apologize for the delay in the content releases. The problem is rather trivial: my main graphics card used for rendering burned out. Replacement (in triple quantity) has already been ordered and will be delivered at the end of the week.

Anyway, Dokkaebi model is finished and ready for production. I am currently working on 2 animations: 2B commission and Mercy witch animation. Dokka's animation will be after them.

Thank you all for your support:3




What GPUs do you use?

Cesar The Salad

Great job! I recently got into Siege so this is much appreciated. :)


Next up, valkyrie hopefully :3


Does graphic cards affect the quality of rendered images?


Not really, the actual image quality is typically set by various parameters/settings in the rendering program. HOWEVER, it massively, ridiculously, insanely, affects the amount of time needed to render a particular scene. Remember, he isn't just re-rendering a static image for better compression, he is doing full rendering of multiple 3D models in the process, sometimes with fluid animation, which requires insane GFX processing power.