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  • Scarlet_x_Aerith.mp4




Once again, I am sorry that only 55 seconds of animation took this long. Was working on it nonstop for the past almost 2 weeks and still could not finish it sooner. And now looking at it, things do feel a bit rushed. Wish I would have made it slightly longer from the get go. But the creampie was kinda last minute thing, and fitting that in there was semi tough. However, I do want to keep doing longer/creampie animations, if you guys can bear with me and be patient with my slow ass.

So next will be MLP for sure. Stay safe and thanks for all the support peeps!



Dragon Ranger

Can't wait to see that MLP.


Someday we will see a couple of Anna x Elsa?))

The One and Only

Yeah, pretty short and underwhelming creampie, but the lip syncing is spectacular in all of your stuff.


Man, fuck the spoiled brats, this shit is amazing. AS ALWAYS. I love the pounding, the creampie sounds and most of all, the trademark perfect endless loop. Never fails and is NEVER off-timing. Thanks, bro, for all the great content month after month.

Larry Berner

I will always prefer scenes with a finish vs loops. No amount of loops can top a finished scene, so you spending your time on actually completing animations is worth it imo. Don't feel rushed


Its all Good Black

Mi'raj Kha

This is really good don't worry!


You have nothing to apologize for because this (and everything else you make) is fantastic.