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PG x WW 

And barely winning by a point is the power duo. Well that was a fun and interesting poll. I thought about doing a bonus D.Va x Tracer loop many times while working on this but re-framed from doing so. Now this thing is really embarrassing to post because I actually added dialogue to it, just for the mini comic however. And it is because I am no writer or very creative at all when it comes to story or concepts for my work. Especially longer animations. But I was like fuck it, I gotta do something to spice up my work even if its very little like text at this point. Just try not to cringe too much at my dialogue/writing lol.

Also going forward I am going to just do short loop polls instead of the pin-up pic polls. It is going to give me more opportunities to work with models I have been dying to animate. While also giving me more time to work on longer animations which I know people want more of it. Extremely sorry that I have not been working on longer animations more and for still not finishing the Elsa x Rapunzel animation. Which is what I will be working on all this week to try and finish by the end of the month. I might have to only do one loop and a few pics for the Luna x Celestia animation by the way so I can get back on track with monthly polls. And on the first of December I am going to talk about some minor/upcoming changes to tiers and what I can or need to do to make you guys more happy. So please bear with me until then peeps.

And lastly this was pretty much inspired by Nyl's super hot Wonder Woman and Power Girl animations. And I cannot wait for the whole thing to be done by the way. So if you are looking for more and way better quality WW and PG animations, go check out Nyl asap!



Kevin Cason

thank you very much for this, it is a treat when i see a notification in my inbox that you've posted <3


Great stuff! Do you mind improving the compression quality? It looks pretty blocky. Are you rendering to .jpg?


Wow, i hope you get the time to make this one whole video because it's amazing!!!


Text is sexy, don't feel bad for including it! ;D


Not bad at all! Also I've felt like your longer animations have always had great action! What's gonna happen with the tires?


Animated comic!! Great idea!!!


Cool, but I miss the multi angled days tho


You should do something with Chloe Price again