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Insertion WIP 2 

Pretty much only worked on the insertion scene the past few days. Although I did animate a tiny bit of the MLP foursome and took a gander at the Witcher blowjob animation only to discover that Triss's model in the background got destroyed somehow without me realizing it. So now I gotta replace her with another Triss model that I have before animating again.

As for the insertion scene I got all the base animating done except for Starfire left hand. Not quite sure what to have her do with it for the rest of the animation but it will prolly be simple.  So I should have it done this week and then work on getting the blowjob animation in better shape to add to the whole thing and that will be it for Starfire x Raven.



Dragon Ranger

Good to know your're still cranking on MLP. Damn Raven has a nice ass!!!


This pairing is fucking L I F E

Miss. Nessie

So you move the more major limbs first I.e (arms, legs and body) then once that's covered you make adjustments to the smaller areas like fingers hands???