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Just a very small preview/update on what I got so done so far for this. The next update will be of Scootaloo facefucking Cheerilee. Which I have already animated quite a bit of as well. Just need to animate the rest of Cheerilee's head movement and all of Scootaloo's cock animation and that is gonna be rough. I might add the sound for Applebloom soon also and animate her face so I can give you guys a preview of that as well.

And I uploaded the rest of the MLP pin-up pics in the G Drive collection folder. Will be uploading the rest of the older animations next while also reducing the file size for each one before I upload them.





One of the larger oppai gals? Futa x Female? Yes please! Thank you. :)


Nice and Sweet Man. Now the question is When will the whole thing be ready. Especially the Cumshot Animation.


Needs more shots of boobs

Dragon Ranger

The detail has just gotten amazing. Gonna love this when its finished.


I agree with dragon ranger, I am loving these new models! Jr has stepped up his game quite a few notches