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Hello to those participated in our Light Plan Commission.

We greatly appreciate you all for your long-lasting support.

We are also delighted to create works satisfy you all.

However, we have to unfortunately announce that:

Since we have already postponed a huge backlog of comic works.

Plus, one of our team member will take a long break due to academic reasons.

We feel deep sorry for closing our Light Plan Commission.

December will be the last, and it will be unpublished before the begin of January, 2020.

It's a hard decision.

But even we realized that the quality of recent commission is sliding down.

We found that we must put our strength on the key projects.

Once again, please accept our apologies. :(




I was on the Light Plan for a few months, earlier this year, and I loved every single commission I got. It's sad to see the Light Plan close, but thank you very much for the hard work you did on my, and everyone else's commissions on the Light Plan! I'll be looking forward to your upcoming comic projects!


Thank you for the continued content