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Anthony messed up big time.

In Pranks & Punishments Anthony's lack of discipline with sensitive information led to a huge mess and Jane, his wife, had enough. Forced into a baby role Anthony was relegated from man of the house to snivelling baby as he struggled to get his wife to give him another chance.

When Jane finds a real man it is all over for Anthony. Helpless in his situation Anthony is left to watch as more and more of his old life is stripped away and his new life as the family baby is cemented.



Loved this story! While I’m sad we won’t get more updates, I think you ended it where it needed to end! Great work!


I hope we get to see part 3 to Baby Anthony story sometime soon. Especially since I am curious if he will stay as he is as a baby cuck to his ex-wife and her new husband? Or will having a real baby make it so they need to find someone who wants take their baby cuck off their hands so they can focus on their actual baby