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//I started doing this because I really love creating sims and felt like sharing them with people, and I started making some exclusive sims as a thank you for your support, but it doesn't sit right with me anymore tbh, especially because the CCs don't belong to me in the first place. I already started sharing them on Loverslab after a little while, but now I'll be sharing them way earlier, after 2-3 weeks of making them, so I won't mess with EA's early access policy either. My tiers will be more like a donation and early access to my sims, but after 2-3 weeks they'll be shared for free on Loverslab~ I've got 2 tiers just for support, like a little tip, and my main tier for early-access, voting and stuffs.

Thank you to everyone that supported me so far, and if you still do, I'm really grateful :) If you don't want to anymore, that's okay too :) 


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