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June 14 Patroncast

Uploaded by Joshua Bardwell on 2016-06-14.



I really like the look of that X24 but the price is to high for me. Like you said, 80, 75 bucks i probably would have bought it already. I seen one built for sale on the RC groups classified for 400. They look so sweet. I have the xm20 esc and ive been looking for a new esc to run. The Aikon boltlite look and sound amazing but at 18 bucks idk if im ready to spend that much on an esc. Maybe im just being cheap. Great Video, keep up the great work.


Keep up the great work Joshua!


Of course your work is appreciative! Keep up the steller work.


And I don't need any extra content for Patron personally. Just your tech support on the forums and your YouTube video is worth my support.


I don't understand how to check quad COG by holding the blade. Someone asked me that once...but I didn't know what to do.


Pick up the copter by the front two props. Let it hang from the tips of the props. If it hangs perpendicular to the horizon, the CG is even with the prop line. If it tilts with the bottom of the copter towards the ground, the CG is below the prop line. If it tilts with the top of the copter towards the ground, the CG is above the prop line.


Wow I was going to ask this exact same thing.... I think this would be a great next video for you to do.. In theory I think I understand what you are saying, but having a visual representation to go along with it, as well as some practical steps for correcting which ever way your quad is leaning towards, would be extremely helpful (well at least to this noob). :)