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Let's play Among Us together! Among Us is a social deduction game similar to Mafia or Secret Hitler. One player is secretly the Imposter, who must murder the other players before they complete their Tasks or discover the Imposter and throw them out an airlock.

Among Us is free on Android and iPhone, and $5 on Steam (Windows only for now). Mobile platforms can cross-play with Windows.

After the Sunday livestream completes at 3 PM Eastern time, I will be in the #among-us chat on Discord. Several voice channels will be set up as "tables" to play at.

If you guys are interested in making Sunday afternoon/evening a regular social spot, let me know in the comments below. A lot of the time the voice chat channels are empty since nobody is there to get it started, but the times when we have scheduled a voice chat have been pretty great. 




Sounds awesome I will be down for some Among Us on Sundays.


Sounds like a great idea!


Never played it before in my life but I would be willing to try.


just want to listen


i dont wanna play but i do wanna just watch. how do i do that?