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Every month, I do a little giveaway here on Patreon. In keeping with Patreon's TOS and United States law, the giveaway is open to everyone, not just Patrons. However, only Patrons get an email notification when the giveaway is posted.

Here's what's up for grabs this month.

1. Newbeedrone Vivid quadcopter with Smoov motors and NBD FC/ESC stack. You can see in the photo why I'm giving it away: the arm has broken in this exact spot twice. Newbeedrone has said they will redesign to address the weak spot. Included in this giveaway is a spare frame and several spare arms. DJI Air Unit is included in this item. 

2. Newbeedrone Toolkit and Sperry DM-2000 multimeter. This multimeter is really special. It has a built in DC-capable clamp-meter. It is the only travel-sized meter like this I have ever seen, and it is not made any more.

3. ImmersionRC PowerPlay DVR.

4. BetaFPV X-Knight 5. Ummmm somebody out there really wants this, right?

5. Massive grab-bag of nonsense. This one is huge this month. Caddx Orqa camera. Runcam Racer. Runcam Swift 3. Foxeer something. Runcam Racer Nano. Two ORT Shield antennas. Speedybee FC. Several self-powered buzzers. Two more cameras. And like five or six different vTX including several TBS Unfiies.

To enter the giveaway, please enter your information on this form:

Deadline for entries will be midnight, August 17. Winners will be notified by email and by a post here on Patreon.






This is DopeAF. Awesome!!


So anyone can enter this giveaway?? 😏


United States law strictly regulates any giveaway, raffle, or other game of chance in which you have to pay to enter. As long as everyone can enter for free, all is good. That's why those cereal box giveaways you entered as a kid also let you enter by mailing in an envelope. However, since the giveaway does not occur on the same day each month, and since there are only a few days to enter, getting a notification when I post it gives Patrons a significantly higher chance of entering. But that's not regulated by Patreon TOS or U.S. law so ......


DOPE!!...all is good 😌 GOOD LUCK EVERYONE


Sounds awesome. Quad me!!


Tools, Tools, Tools, {Laughing} - Wait a minute, could there be one of those Joshua Bardwell "Personally Hand Made" Smoke Stoppers in the Kit?! That would be something!


Just a little bit of luck this time! Please please please! Haha


Good luck everyone!!


I always want the grab bog of cool stuff, Good luck to everyone, and just tad more for me,lol I don't just want it this month, I need, so much broken stuff including me, lol


Grab bag for me brother :)


Nice. I actually remembered to enter...thx JB the Gwadddd


That powerplay 😯


Amazing giveaway!


damn, just join the patreon and missed it by 12 minutes


Very nice giveaway


Congrats guys


Thank you. Thank you.. 😎


Awewe I was too late


Next month it is