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I'm trying to start 2020 off on the right foot with an editorial calendar. This is a schedule of what videos will come out on what day. You can check it out at the above link. Bear in mind, some of this may change in real time, so if there is a particular video you're waiting for, please don't be disappointed if it doesn't come out on the exact day the calendar says. Let me know what you think of this idea, okay!


Editorial Calendar



daaaang....you are INSANE....LY organized lol i would never be able to do something like that


Thats pretty cool, I would definitly need someone to set this up. My self motivation needs motivating!


Awesome work, JB! I tried to get into Trello but ended up with SmartSheet. It's a game changer!


Like the idea. Good way to keep both patrons and interested parties (like vendors, manufacturers) informed of what is likely to drop when. With a YT sub base of over 140K, you do have quite an influence on the community.


Pretty awesome idea. I like it. But, there is some issue with this calendar when opening on my phone (Android 10). I can't move the view so weekends are cut. Monday-Fridays are fine though.


Pretty well organized Joshua. Looks like you've got a real job now 🤣😉


Great idea. Easy to view and read on my phone. 👍🤓


Does not work on Firefox; "Blocked by X-Frame-Options Policy".


This is great!

Robert Klauco

Wow, you are more busy than me in my regular day job :)


Dang, next week is HYPE!


Great idea 👍


JB Love the editorial calendar. Especially great is the ability to add the event to my Google calendar. Might I suggest that you at a "JB" to the title of each? For example when I added the "Caddx Vista" event to my calendar, it carried over the title to my calendar. I added "JB : " to it so I know where to go see the content. This is great!


I really like that it is easy t Access using my phone , thanks


If I can make a suggestion? I ordered a DJI FPV Goggle system w. controller, goggles and Air unit .. and then an iFlight MegaBee Racing drone with the DJI FPV Air unit connected to the controller, as I would be using the DJI controller ... I'm now over a week trying to get the drone motors to start!! Found an "ARM" switch in the Goggles menus .. but no instructions of any kind from DJI manuals or iFlight (no instructions period!) re. what/how the switch is set or used .. Amazing!! Just got off a 30 min. tech support call w. DJI in China (!) and they don't have a clue either ... An "engineer" will send me instructions ... hopefully in English. You could do a HUGE service to DJI FPV users and iFlight by looking at what they're providing and putting together a web page, PDF, or print instructions on how to get their MegaBee (and likely many of other drones down the line) working !! I watched your "Can't Arm" video just now and going to try all your tips later today ... Hopefully you will have some videos on using BetaFlight for other areas other than arming. Thanks!!


Your email subscribe link doesn't work Joshua - https://goo.gl/YkGXET ... goes to a blank text block ...


The subscription seems to work but the landing page after sending your data is void it seems.


I'm afraid I'm going to pass on this request even though I can see why it would be useful for you. But for me it would be really messy with no advantage :-(