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Hello kittens!

I'm sorry for the delay! Recently, I can not be active and it is difficult for me to pull myself. And so, I plan to release the December rewards in January, but maybe there will be no January rewards and I will make a refound. I do not want you to worry so I write this message. I love you all and thank you very much for your support! I realized that I need
litttle breaks like this to move on.. 

Tell me what you think about this ^__^ I am always in touch with you <3



Everyone needs a break it helps keep them from going crazy


Agreed, there's no problem with taking a break or going out for a vacation. Also, if you want people not to be charged for one month, Patreon has a "campaign pause" that lets you pause everything for a month or more.


it's alright Kittew we support ya always, stay awesome and we wish you a happy holidays and joyful break. ^v^/


I always wondered how many artists here on patreon can deliver every month. I imagine it can not be always that productive and the art may result in a lack of quality. I always assumed every good artist need a break from time to time. To get calm, look for insparation and get a new motivation. Regarding to the process I think painting/drawing is similar to writiing a book/movie script, writing music or making a movie. You actually need a rest and can't always deliver. I can totally understand you. Take a break! You have my support &lt;3 We love you


Artists are still people, after all. Take the time you need to be healthy. Forcing it won't be good for your art or yourself. Hopefully you have some time to enjoy the holidays


Thank you very much! I just do not want to release content that will be made quickly and with poor quality.


Thank you very much! Your comment reassured me! I really need a break to regain my strength, but I always think about drawing and about my ideas.


Don't worry about it. Take some time and collect yourself. I'm sure we'll all still be here when you get back to the right spot mentally.

Eddie Murphy

You do what you need to do for yourself, we can wait :-)


Take your time and get everything back together, we can wait ;-)


Take yer time ❤️