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Hello Kittens, I want to make an announcement about rewards! Yes, I'm late again with awards this month... (God help me)

My parents came to visit me and and I need to spend more time with them... I can not draw as much as I should this month..

What rewards will be given this month? Zelda (Nsfw, Adult) + (possibly an erotic story) and  Cirilla(Nsfw, Adult)  + (erotic story).

What am I working on? I do two stories And the art of Ciri

When will the rewards be available? Approximately 4-6 numbers, I postorayus do this as soon as possible. 

I can promise you that in the next month there will be available the fourth awards instead of three! I  hope for your understanding ... :(

Have a nice day <3



Vasily Lavrov

It's OK, good things take time :) Ciri looks great, though I think her mouth looks better on the sketch than on the Lens preview


Thank you! :3 There will be several versions of Ciri, depending on what happens on art ;) *hot*


I prefer waiting for something good instead of waiting for something rushed. Take your time!

Mdive Torto

It’s ok it’s ok family comes first 🌚👍🏿