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Gonna try to get in the habit of making a post every month about progress on things.

Monthly Image: ( Tier I - Tier III ) Thanks to...unfortunate circumstances, all my project fell behind schedule. I am not remotely happy about this setback at all and I will be making sure to not be put into this situation again. I am still aiming to have to released tomorrow but it may be Feb 1st. I sincerely apologize.

( I keep updates more active on the Discord so a lot of things are already stated there before I make posts here. You do not have to join if you don't want. Be mindful, in order to join, you must be a patron here. Roles are determined by tiers and I do not have a free tier role in that Discord, sorry.)

Upcoming New Comic:  ( Tier IV ): A new comic will be in the works starting next month. Release goal is probably around March. Just letting you all know

- If there are things you believe can be done to improve the Patreon, feel free to suggest. I am incredibly busy sadly because of commissions and my job. Unfortunately Patreon is not exactly working out like I originally hoped so I cannot give it as much attention as I like but I am still trying to do what I can.



Discord link?