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Another year of me drawing silly nonsense. I just wanna thank everyone that supports me even though I do not really update this as much as possible. Between this, commissions and my other job,m I am a busy boi. So I appreciate those that stuck around.

I regularly check exit surveys to see reasons people leave and the most common is just that they cannot afford it which is fair. Others I have seen is that they expect more content which they are free to want that. They are paying money after all and I do apologize when I am unable to meet that demand. The funniest exit survey I have received was " Suirano is a piece of shit and deserves every terrible thing to happen to him." I do not know who this person was but hope they are enjoying themselves because I am trucking along fine hahah.

To all of you who join here for free. I am terribly sorry I have nothing to really show you guys. Because of Patreon's rules about NSFW, I am not allowed to post anything like that publicly or the account gets in trouble. :C

The order of my priority is usually off of the income sources and commissions make a lot more than here on Patreon. I still try to push out content but if I feel pressed for time, I generally try to focus on commissions first.

I am trying to organize my work habits better to not constantly be stressed so we shall see how 2024 goes. Either way, there will be art, there will be comics, I am hoping to try a few things so we will see how it goes.

Thank you all again for the support and take care!



Happy New Year to you as well


Happy new year :D