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With the Temptation arc finally ending, it also means that this Patreon will be getting a few changes as well. I will keep all the Temptation stuff here but will begin adding new areas for donations for art and special comics. The amount will be higher so I am posting this for those that do not want to throw more than a dollar this way. 

Next comic is called Teacher's Pet and will be a Patreon only comic. There will also be art for here as well. If people here have some ideas on the best method of implementation, please feel free to message me. I do not know when I am going to do it.



Are you planning on keeping this patreon per-creation or switching to more regular payments?


I think I was gonna do monthly payments mostly. The original idea was two tiers, one for images, one for comics. Each one updated monthly.

Jesse Raines

Well if I were in your place, I'd have maybe 4 different tiers. Tier 1: Access to patreon pictures and old content. With an option to buy the comic by donating on PayPal. Tier 2: Access to the comic without donating on PayPal and everything in tier 1. Tier 3: Everything in tier 2 but with an added commission discount. Tier 4 (limited slots): Everything in tier 3 with a slightly higher discount and maybe a sketch, or flat color image each month ( one character for color , two or three for sketch)