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Hi everyone! 

As I'm sure you've noticed, since I've been talking about it for a while on discord and twitter, I've been approached by a publisher who wants to do something with my slice of life story after seeing some of my work on it.
They found me originally from my work on Aegis Omega and have been following me for some time.  
When I announced that I would be doing something on my own they took interest and asked me to pitch the series to them.  
Currently, after several meetings, they're pushing for it to be told in a more dramatic and flashy way which isn't really on brand for me or something I would wholly enjoy doing.   

I decided to give it a shot and try to write a dramatic treatment for the story to pitch for them. I basically didn't change anything about the overall plot, just removed a lot of the slice of life chill vibe.
But after thinking on it for a couple weeks I'm returning more and more to the thought that i should tell this story my way. I would prefer to tell this as a slice of life first and a dramatic story second.  
Thus far they've been extremely accommodating and kind to consider my work and offer to put me out there. Currently I'm still balancing out how the story could work if published under their umbrella to fit their branding, if at all.

As a result I've gone ahead and communicated my thoughts to the publisher in question via the editor they have assigned me regarding the direction they'd prefer. We're likely going to have a meeting soon to decide what we're going to do in the end.
Whether it be for me to bow out and continue to self publish as usual, or for them to allow me to create the story in the way that feels right to me.

Currently that's where I am at with it.
No word on what way the pieces will fall exactly just yet, but I'm working on it.

I will definitely be telling the story in the way that I think works best in either case.
Let me know if you folks have any questions, thoughts, or opinions regarding where we're at so far.
I would be happy to discuss with you. <3
Thank you for taking the time to give this a read and for supporting me through this process.

You're absolutely the best.  (っ´ω`c)♡ 



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