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Hey friends,

I know it's been almost a month since the release of Kaine, but I only just realized I messed up and never shared pics of our test print. Well, better late than never, so here you go!

Printed on ELEGOO Saturn 2 using the following resin:

  • ELEGOO 8K Space Grey
  • ELEGOO Standard Blue
  • Conjure Sculpt Grey
  • A mix of Conjure Sculpt Beige and Tough Skin

Some parts were slightly painted in an effort to improve her look. Namely, the hair, bandages, and skin part of her torso (otherwise it would've been blue along with her gown).





I absolutely love this file I just printed most of the file. But I'm curious sense I'm new to the patreon and resin printing for the most part. What settings do you use to print I have a Saturn S and Mars 4 MAX for reference.


We have all our setting pinned in Discord in case you want to check them our. In short, we print at 30um layer height and with Anti-Aliasing turned on.


I can only say THANKS to you. I found you at cults3d with this file for Kaine and preparing Reimu Hakurei, at that instant when I saw that, I subscribed inmediatly. And when I printed this, I was astonished because the pre-supported version has the best supports that I used, literally they flew up with 0 resistance. LOVE YOU.


Thank you for the kind words! ^_^ To be fair, Atlas 3DSS takes the credit for pre-supports on this particular model.