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Hey friends,

You might have seen it coming if you've seen this tweet earlier this week. We tried to avoid it as much as possible, yet here we are. I'm sorry to say the delivery of March models will be slightly delayed. Namely, Megumin will be released by tomorrow. Ägir will catch up over the weekend. Nocticula, however, will only be completed next week, but we'll do our best to have her out by Wednesday.

Please note that even if you choose to unsub in April, you will still receive all March models via MyMiniFactory, so make sure to check your email for notifications.

tl;dr The delay is the final result of a series of events spanning all the way since December, when we decided to release 4 figures at once. Since then, it all just spiraled further. In January, we had to deal with one of the artists leaving the team and a newcomer changing their mind mid-month, leaving us with having to create Nian from scratch on a very short notice. In February, we had to unboard Milana, deal with a challenging Bocchi design, and learn some new software. And finally, in March we were due for the Loyalty Reward renewal. All of these events put a strain on our production process and a lot of accumulating backlog that we kept kicking down the road. And now that I am about to start a 20-hour print of Ägir's hair, I can safely say we will not make it in time.

Honestly, it's a miracle we have managed to meet all the deadlines right until now, but our capabilities have finally reached their limit. So, this is why we're forced to have the very first delay of basic rewards since launching the Patreon a full year ago. I hope you understand our predicament and will not hold it against us. On our part, we'll cancel all the extra things we wanted to pursue in April and will dedicate the month to getting our production process back on track.

Thank you for your understanding! We'll do our best to rectify the situation!



Cat Herder

Honestly, it seemed like there was too much in the pipeline even without all the background trouble. I'm happy to wait for a quality model, hope everyone is taking time to rest and not burning themselves out.


I feel that 20 hour hair print.. 🙏


Non ho problemi ad aspettare, i vostri modelli sono bellissimi

Domi Schell

Please watch out for yourselves, your health is more important than the deadline 🥰