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Hey friends!

As you surely know, a new artist recently joined our team, which finally allowed us to introduce some exciting changes that we've been cooking up for the past couple of months!

First of all, you would be thrilled to know that instead of a single model a month you will now be getting two models, one from each of our artists! And that's just a start! But allow me to elaborate!

As mentioned numerous times in the past, once we reach 100 patrons we'll be holding a regular poll among our patrons to select next month's sculpt. Until we reach that point, our artists will keep selecting the characters to sculpt on their own (this month being an exception because we wanted to test the polls). In addition to that, we'll also open a Discord server for easier and more regular communication with our patrons. So, come on, guys, help us finally reach that threshold! We're sure you won't regret it!

So, who gets to say which characters end up in the poll? For starters, our artists will propose their own ideas for your judgement. Additionally, Merchant tier subscribers can also make suggestions. Now, I can see how some of you may be frowning and thinking "Why can't patrons from Personal Use Tier make suggestions too?", and we can see how that might seen unfair. But let's just stop for a minute and try to be realistic: if we take suggestions from everyone equally, then the more people the Patreon has, the more options you yourselves would have to go through, where everyone wants a different thing. So, to combat that, we'd have to introduce multiple round polls. And even then the winning character of the final round can have as low as 10% of voices, making even more people disappointed because it wasn't their choice that made it. And that's not to mention the frustration over having the same popular character winning on several Patreons, sometimes even on the same month! We've seen all that happen on other Patreons, and this is why we'd like to try a different approach. If time proves it to be non-feasible, we can always change it later on!

But let us get back to the original topic. So, the first character will be selected by the polls. And... what about the second one? This is where it gets interesting! As of today, we have introduced the exclusive "Jim Gordon" tier with just a single spot for $240. The subscriber of this tier can choose the second character model to be sculpted and delivered to all next month's patrons. And that's what the other artist will be working on! We believe this will be a great opportunity for people to obtain a less popular character from their favorite franchise that never seems to win any polls, but who deserves to shine nonetheless! And now they can do just that!

You might be wondering, what happens if nobody subscribes to the "Jim Gordon" tier? The answer is easy: our artists will choose the second model of the month on their own, and it will not necessarily be picked from the poll. Who knows, we might even make an original character!

We are excited to tell you that we are, in fact, testing out the "Jim Gordon" model this very month! One of our loyal patrons suggested this idea earlier and volunteered to pioneer it! We jumped on this opportunity a few weeks ago, but weren't quite sure we'd be able to follow through with the workload. Lucky for us, that's when Lena decided to join us and handle this first request! And now we are fully confident we can deliver this second sculpt on time!

So, what's that commissioned work that you'll all be getting this month? You'll find out in our next post tomorrow! ^_~

Sincerely yours,
Bulkamancer Sculpts team



Jim Gordon wanted me to tell you that you're a coward XD