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Hey friends!

Back in March, when we were setting up Patreon, we pretty much set tier prices on a whim without giving it much consideration. It didn't occur to us until much later that regular tier costs 150% more than the Early Access one, which some people might find discouraging when deciding whether to subscribe now or wait until a cheaper free spot is available.

There were basically two ways out of this: either we lower the price of the regular tier to $7 to make it more affordable or close the EA tier, which wouldn't be fair to people who supported us from the beginning.

So, in the end we did neither. Considering how our skills have grown at least a little bit over the past half a year, we are very thankful to our first patrons who believed in us and stayed with us even through less successful releases! Friends, are the best!

That said, we are confident that there is still room for growth, and we are eventually planning to start delivering two figures a month as well as making an occasional bonus sculpt to expand our welcome pack every few months. Since we are not there yet, it seems only fair to open another early access tier for people who are already willing to join and support us before we reach our creative limit.

So, if you'd like to jump in to our Patreon, here's the brand new $7 tier just for you! And to all the beautiful people who are currently subscribed to $9 tier, please don't hesitate to switch to the new one! You totally deserve it and you have our sincerest thanks for subscribing in the first place! ^_^

You rock!
Elena and Des


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