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Hey everybody!

I'm happy to tell you that the doll witch is released on schedule! As usual, the download link will be sent out to my patrons in a separate post. Better yet, pre-supported version is already complete and can be downloaded as well!

If you've read my previous posts, you know that I've promised to deliver quite a few things this month. Well, long story short, the bad news is that the bonus figure will not be coming out today. As much I hate to give false promises, the list of improvements to the original sculpt was simply too large and I decided to focus on creating one good quality figure on time instead of delivering two half-hearted sculpts. I may be a beginner at 3D sculpting, but I consider myself a perfectionist and usually keep re-doing things time and time again until I am fully satisfied with the result. Sometimes, the details I change are so small and insignificant they wouldn't even be visible at the intended scale, but I still refine them on the off chance someone decides to print a larger figure and will see all the weak spots. That's how I can easily lose dozens of hours and go through several QA iterations. I hope you will forgive this trait of mine after taking a moment to compare the first and final versions.

Now, for the good news, and I've got several of those! Firstly, I'm not backing out of my original promise to deliver an alternative version of Ranni this month. Despite the delay, all current patrons will receive the "Slayer of Fingers" figure before May. I just ask you to give me a few more days to complete it, because it almost has no reusable assets from the original sculpt and essentially has to be made from scratch.

If that isn't enough to make you happy, the good news don't end just yet. Let it be known that I've also almost completed the bust version. And it's stunning, if I do say so myself! Just need to carefully inspect it one last time and create supports for it. If nothing unforeseen happens, you should expect its release tomorrow!

Lastly, I have a test print sitting on a desk right next to me, just waiting to be cleaned and shown to the public. I'll make sure to finish it and take a few pics soon, but at the very least you can already take comfort in knowing the pre-supported files are fully printable!

Happy printing!
Elena, a.k.a. Bulkamancer



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