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Shane’s new Insta story post is perfect. SODTAOE


SNL is so damn bad. I tried watching my dawg but it sucked too much ass. The only joke the crowd laughed at in the monologue was the beating up a cracker joke. SNL sucks and people don't watch it. Stop kissing the devil's dick Shane and just do comedy.


Shane is the man, but SNL is so bad. Holy crap. There is a parallel universe where shane stayed at SNL and is a real faggot.


Shane works live and in front of other performers so seamlessly. Tell us about the party Dawg


I just watched a few sketches, some promo, and the monologue. Whatever man he can do what he’ll do but I’m not proud of Shane going on snl if he’s gonna do it with his tail between his legs. I wouldn’t feel the need to write this if there weren’t so many new leg humpers everywhere They fired him for a joke in the old pod that wasn’t even racist (it was making fun of racist 1920’s white guys who hate anything different than them) they have said many offensive fucked up shit on the pod, but it’s lame that the monologue avoided it and had no material on it the whole arc. He played a closeted gay man who was married to a church minister, 2 different office deadbeats, and all the material was so against the type of audience they have built. One skit was just propaganda for current US military foreign objectives. Other people have noticed, but a lot of alt podcasts have been given some kind of olive branch and are now watching what they say. Like whatever, its comedy. The dogs can do what they wanna do, but yeah, I’m disappointed they’ve sold out. Don’t at me “new” fans.


I actually laughed while watching SNL. It was weird. Hope it was fun, and if he gets real sick in the next couple days it was definitely that band chick


I'm hoping he half assed it and gave them 4 year old material as a way of saying yea I'll take your money, but you don't get my good material


Missed the perfect opportunity to say BlackEyed D’s…24:00

Carson Denny



Sometimes i get so stoned everytime i get close to coming my stoned ass starts thinking about the most random dumbest shit and it basically resets me back to the beginning


Just know Shane, if you are allowed to be mainstream that means you are automatically a brap hog. The devil doesn't allow anyone good to operate in the mainstream.


what happened to the grandfathered poors tier? got on the app and all the posts were locked but i was still following the account if that makes sense. none of my other subs changed either.


coming to the realization i must have been too poor for it when it charged and now i must pay the price


Conspiracy theory that SNL/ Woke left got resentful of Shane’s independent suceess and invited him on SNL to cast him as the “big dumb bigot” character in every sketch to try and embarrass him. Backfired. He was the only funny person on that show since 2019


https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/20/science/down-syndrome-dna-bones.html Ancient Shanes

that's what's up

Hearing such a sweet boy like LeMaire talk about getting bullied is so sad

They always Walk again podcast

But in reality cumming comes before death. Because fear of death ushers us to cum in the ladies more to carry out our name. I’ve transcended this personally thru the spirit of god. But on a mortal plane this is my theory.

LaVan Van Wyck

Creaming out for the dawgs