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0:00:00 - Sports | Applebees 0:04:20 - Jaeger 0:09:15 - GardRail the Sex Brat | Pussy Brat 0:18:00 - Google Boobs 0:19:45 - Girls Suck Philosopher | Arthur Schopenhauer 0:32:00 - San Diego Afterparty | urine break 0:37:00 - We’re Back | Arthur Schopenhauer 0:45:30 - The Movies 0:49:00 - Hooter Wings 0:52:50 - Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship | The Slap 0:58:00 - HBKs Savior


Aaron Messuri

My sweet baby boys!!!! Another perfectly executed patreon episode!


i wanna die in a car wreck listening to matt and shane

Josh Newton

Shane, I sure hope you thank Matt for letting you piggy back on his career.


Thanks fellas. Needed some laughs today.


luv you dawgz but i would be super bummed if i had to bargain with my WIFE to have sex AND she responds with hmm no but ill give you a handjob... oh man lol Matt must have max ammo in the reserve


Hey, Shane, looking jacked my dawg.


Matt’s pseudo knowledge about esoteric subject matters has not pained me til now but getting Schopenhauer wrong is an OL. His mum didn’t push him down the stairs, HE got into an argument with an old lady who was being loud outside his apartment and pushed her. Ended up getting done for assault and had to pay damages to her for the rest of her life. When she died he wrote on a copy of her birth certificate “obit anus, abit onus” meaning “the old woman dies, the debt is lifted”. Cold as. In any case everyone should read schopie. He’s an extremely insightful philosopher who has permanently altered how I see the world and other people. Genuinely a revelation. And a great writer too, very funny in an acerbic sort of way.


As someone who used to suffer from single aunt/female gym coach hair I can say this from a safe place, time for a buzz Matty McLachlan


Be gentle my sweet prince, this is a comedy podcast….change your underwear and be at peace. Saint Rogies blessings on you.


No. Plz. Fuck religion. Fuck if the earth is flat. Fuck if Epstein and the illuminati are fighting trump. The only question I need answered in my life. Is how do these mfs do it every god damn time? This cast is the realest shit since the Bible. And as the not nerdy lemaires would say. “And that’s on god.”


He loves CW shows. “The 100” and he for sure had dabbled in “The Vampire Diapers”. Mic hooked up to an oxygen tank disguised as a giant wudder bottle and he writes books. Get under it


Yo shane hope your good man


This is pretty hilarious, what Schop actually wrote: https://www.theabsolute.net/misogyny/onwomen.html


Africans love trump.. First of all. Dawg is good 🙏🏻


Pliny the Fruitcake


And for that passion we thank you, grab a sizzlie and be at peace.


God Fucking Damnit, FUCK


Thankfully Chris and his obsession with hookers is not on the Paytch


“Misogynistic? Did she just tell me to massage on dis tit?”


Dawgs, if you listened to this already, remember the South Park with Bebe getting boobs?


The slop is good. God is good. Blessed be to the dawgs


another great episode... but please have DeRosa on as much as possible. The endless Shane Joey battles are fucking priceless


actually do whatever the fuck y'all want idk shit i'm just listening to 352 again

Ye West

Shane, I’ll see you tomorrow night in SD. Nothing, not even the teams will stop me from getting a hold of that fat ball bag and speed bagging it. I will steal your essence to create s perfect comedy homunculus. C u soon


"Living +" right here, exactly what Kendall was talking about


Matt, go to Llresearch.org and just read Ra Material and the Quo transcripts already


"FUKK U TUBE" - next week back to the tube. Pretty soft behavior. But it is better this way.


if any of you pound puppies want 2 tickets to the Hershey show on the 20th for free pls email me. It is my name at gmail. make sure you spell it right .


And we’re back!!! 🤘🤘


while you boys gay around actin like God don’t exist. there’s Americans out there suffer’n. Now more than ever. They need you two to bring the fire week in week out. Now you leave it all on that field tonight! Our lady of victory!


kisses xx


Great ep.


Yes lads

jawn carpenter

with lemaire on the movie hot dog with shane on the 50 winngs


Loved you in Bupkis, Shane. It’s a pretty good show. I’ve enjoyed it so far. I’d love to see Pete on the pod.




Lamaire is more of a hot dog guy.


I’m going to find a way to go to the Cleveland show. I’ll also be at Hershey the following weekend, can’t wait!!


Lol Matt you’re the best - “now you sound like a post modernist”


Almost bought tickets to the Cleveland show but fuck Cleveland


thanks for putting this one on the tube


Shaman always coming with the hot references, no idea how he has these ready all the time lol a beautiful mind. Great pod. Love when tommy and Chris are on too! Much love from Canada and our Arabian supreme leader Justin Trudeau.


Bro I literally have an Aurther Shopenhaur book published in like the 30s that we found in my baes dead grandma's house hahaha can confirm on his philosophy


hell yeah we back on the mf tuuuuube


“I don’t really feel like it… I’m tired” “Well thankfully, all you have to do is lay there” 😂😂😂


Yo Shane. I'm not paying your Patreon rate for you to sit on your fuckin phone. Put it away. (Read this in Phil's voice).


Sorry to hear about the bbg Shane


My shit on rock


Matt got hit with two fake videos he fell for in the same week😂 The dude getting hit by a car in a zorb bubble and the cat


Can't wait for the show tonight, I hope Shane blesses me with kisses in applebees


It was fucking rad. Nate, The Shaman and The Dawg delivered again.


It cracks me up that Shane hates philosophy, and honestly most of my life I've had the same view - thought it was dumb, thought it's a waste, or "no shit, obviously!" and Shane said the same thing in an ep. of the old testament. But in my older age, I've come to appreciate more of it. It kind of exists like an artistic version of thinking itself and is supposed to help people recognize and realize truth - so they don't just go to West Point as an overgrown, oaf, fruitcake just to be humiliated once they are faced with the truth they aren't cut out for it. Of course, that's how we figure things out, the whole fucking up and having to deal, so, life experience is more crucial, but philosophy puts man's folly into perspective.


Shane is running out of shit to talk about, the Prince debate is just a rehash of an ep in the old test, around 68.


Matts fake gentleman’s cackle has reached a fevered pitch


Playing Wild Wild West on the aux as a dog whistle to try to find other dawgs is my new hobby


Beautiful dawgs


After his mother pushed him down the stairs, Arthur Schopenhauer famously told her "you will only be known by posterity through me!" (She was rather famous in her own right) Which turned out to be true as he is known as the "father of pessimism" This concludes our 'history of philosophy' corner


I pussy brat out the same way Matt did lol


Never felt closer to the dawgs until after this pod


Been locked out for 3 weeks... got a lot of gayness to catch up on

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-26 17:09:47 2 minutes in & quite a bit of gayness already
2023-05-24 00:15:59 2 minutes in & quite a bit of gayness already

2 minutes in & quite a bit of gayness already




I know this is way late, but the Down Syndrome kid on TikTok is Derek Baker and the account is BakerBanter.


Thank you for your work, dawg. Just wanted to know you work does not go unnoticed or unappreciated. Blessed be the dawgs


Shane’s reaction to Matt talking about philosophy lol so good. Also, I don’t think women should be allowed to vote. Just want to go on dawg record so every dawg knows where I stand. Dawgs rule and women drool! Laaaate!