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Hey boiz when are you gonna get hyde on the pod again


youre not an extra for berts shows, i literally went to the Tempe show for you and mark and then left after like 30 minutes of bert. did not by the tickets for his set


Fucking love lemaire lol


I bought the last shitty tickets for Shane's show months ago. Next day they came out with a late show. I am excited to see lemaire will be in Minneapolis. Get sponge Bob and Turtle power at the MOA.


lemaire is such a piece of shit for just jumping straight into last of us spoilers without any sort of warning


Am I the only one that hates guard dog?

Delyn Kirstein

Dawg’s, check out the Wright Brothers biography. Just got done it and i am hype as fuck. Might fuck around and do a home made plane idk.


I think Shane is talking about Marc maron’s new stand up Being old and woke.


Dude, the comment on protect our parks 7 to Ari. When Ari was talking about getting paid 15 buck for guest spots. Your reply of "Dude, I'm 50 and doing whip'its, shut the hell up." Was straight Fire. Crisped him up.


That’s the moment that stood out to you out for a 4 hour cast?

Clayton Froese

Definitely. I knew that’s what he was talking about 5 min into the special and then I had to turn it off


Actually hate Lemaire way more. Does that make me racist and ableist? Who knows


Can we get a freaking drop for the boys in the cubes

tiniest meat

Any time Ari gets shit on by someone he considers a friend, my day gets better


Nothing says we want equality like your own anthem


God dammit how are you gonna ruin the last of us for me


Good god lemaire drives me nuts