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Ep 425 - Traumatizing Rizz PAYTCH

God bless



Bunch of grown men over 30 sitting around getting giddy over rappers, I commend spud for ignoring the nonsense


Complete faggotry. And Shane has the audacity to make fun of bands like the Flaming Lips, Widespread Panic, and Wilco while having the music taste of a 14 year old Tik Tok'er. All of those bands have been around for 30+ years. Where will you be in 30 years Shane "Big Kahuna" Gillis?


Shane did say on the new YouTube pod that he was getting back to listening to rock music, specifically Led Zeppelin.


Mr Cool, can you please list all the things in the world that "are cool" so we can all profess to liking them, and thus avoid you getting your knickers in a knot like a whiny fucking liberal zoomer bitch Seriously my fucking 5 year old is less of a bitch than you, and she's a right little annoying cunt when she wants to be. Fuck off noone cares numb nuts


When Spud is the voice of wisdom… we are winning!


Rone dude sucks ass. Blaccent is so cringe. yeah, video for WAR MODE would be gay, but at 51:51 Billy making goofy faces is GOAT.


Doankin Hines and wudder


Matt, the fear of losing your wife is your last attachment to this world, and that feeling of being synthetic is the fear of not belonging. Also you're my hero and and I could be a paranoid schizophrenic having made all that up after watching this a couple weeks back, deciding subconsciously to go into keto and have now successfully proved myself right as being about to transcend with my hero. Or I'm just telling myself all that's a possibility because at least being insane you'd still belong to a group of insane people. You don't know who's on the other side, so naturally you fear it. What kind of buttholes will they have there? Loose or tight, will there even be any buttholes at all or just you void of even a hole.


i cant tell if spud or rone is talking sometimes


Yo, Tatooine is actually a real place in Tunisia. Star Wars filmed there




There are female dawgz? Are you in heat can i call you a bitch? I mean well


52:29 Rone opens a white claw but doesn't take a sip. Ultimate high anxiety move. Yea dude I want another drink but I'm not like desperate for it u kno?




The podcast may need a disclaimer that reads *STOP watching may make you gay I actually didn’t jerk off before bed because I didn’t want to pig out, since I had earlier that day. Fuck you Matt for continuing to shatter the glass of my reality


Fuck the PPA! I love how Jamie on JRE forgot how to Google shit. Matt kept his chill, and taught the boys some new shit!


Matt get off Keto you dork. Carbs are fine, just dont stuff your face with donuts.


he really should switch to paleo if he wants to focus on clean eating


Skipped 20 minutes of Matt and it resumed to him at minute 26 still talking about 11 avocados is 1 net carb lmao


The shaman is really in the middle of the keto-ritualistic trance, god speed bruvva


fuckk i wish he sent please papi to drake that was so funnyyy