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Love it when the fellas talk about the industry


Is Shane pretending to know how to smoke cigars? We all know he pretends to smoke weed and shotgun beers. Pussy, i could take a huge hit and shotgun a beer faster than he shotguns 1 beer.


I’m glad Matt and Shane got together for an ep still. 🤷🏼‍♂️ lol No but seriously, you guys shouldn’t do so many episodes without both of the main dawgs! I’m just saying when it’s both M&S they come up with the funniest shit. I still love the guests, MSSP’s great with handling the guest chair. Yes of course Matt’s an amazing convo-leader, and he’s the best anchor for when Shane’s out gigging. But still. [Now sorry in advance for the remainder of the comment, but] tbh I’d rather have some delays than it not being both M&S so often, delays within reason of course. [Sorry again, but] I’d pay five dollars too lol.. I doubt everyone would tho.


They arent complete unless they are both on dipshit. You ever heard of a ying/yang? Its kinda like that


PAIMONS coming, Ball is coming


u know u a bitch demon when your superior is named Leonard


Call me old fashioned, but I don't care for these young ladies in virtual reality pornos talkin' shit to me about how good their pussy is.

African Rose

Remember the good old days when you could just cave in some lot lizards skull in another state and be back in time for breakfast.....ahhh golden years.


its all they got bro, ive had many a pussy and really its all the same. They are jealous of penis size comparisons. I would pay money to hear an actual conversation with two women about why one pussy is better than another.


Mute gardinis mic kid is way to comfortable and ruins flow


I agree, he doesn't understand the volume on his voice it's either too quiet, or too loud and kills the boys ADHD brains


I don't like nepotism either but I'm glad the boys gave Santino's little brother a job. Besides, sometimes he's got the jokes.


Fire Gardini. Interrupting every ten seconds with some banal comment like "Good vibes"


i want to hear good vibes like i want to hear just get vaxxed, these faggots dont know when to stop


Pope is a real weak link. Not bringing much game

Keon Clark

Gardini is funny, but is also annoyingly comfortable at the moment.


Nah I'm right. Check the comments but also fuck you


The DAWGZ predicted the future of Netflix in this ep. Wild.


Matt and Shane, the ying Yang of weddings


Tommy Pope is fucking gross lmao