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After a bunch of deliberation, I've decided to structure the COSD Sunday meetings. I'm thinking of doing something like: 

12 p: Hoff

12:15 Anyone can bring something up for discussion (see link to sacred scrolls below)

12:45 talk about whatever

1:12 my wife opens the basement door and scolds me for going over time

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like the group needs a bit of structure. The free form nature of it has been rad, but I feel like we need to buckle it down a bit, just so we can all get the most of it and reduce as much of that nervous/chatter wallflower energy as possible. 

Also, I'm going to revamp the sacred Texts. Writing is a good bridge between our deeper thoughts and feelings and speaking them out into the world. Hopefully we can use the document to capture stuff that people might not want to say themselves, but would like for people to talk about or touch on. Any ideas on how the text are structured would be awesome.  Also, if you think this is a waste of time, or will ruin things I'd be curious to hear that too. 

Sacred Scrolls:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fI63xaSkDjXD2ZwGkbNuks7YM9wS9yInWZRW7V39PzM/edit#



@M Gunther coming in with the Dad jokes. :)


Hell yeah. Is the Hoff technique the laying down one where you hold your breath in and then out? I'm looking forward to the structure. Had to minimize my attendance due to grad school but this sounds cool.