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Talked to the threat assessment dude again. 





We love China, it’s great there


Bruce springsteen,fireworks,buttchuggi mg beers,and dropping lsd


Shills gonna shill




I need some peppermint for this one.




They cancelled the air show in Sacramento so this is a worthy alternative to drink in America’s greatness 🙏🏻


Give us the links!


I don't get the sense that this guy has a strong grasp on the motivations behind the Chinese Land Reform, based on the way he avoided your follow up questions.


Hes a Manchurian candidate


This guy is Canadian right?


Oh the Chinese shill? Gay.


This dude is gay as isis


Sinophile sounds like a Jordan Peterson fan lol bad


Shaney out bunking w Stanhope again?


What 3 letter does homeboy work for? NSA, DIA, CIA?


Seth Simons sounding motherfucker




Lord, this guy lol. He's been studying China for years to assess threats but gets every fact wrong, doesn't have a grasp of the history or the current state of things, doesn't have a grasp on Russia or surrounding nations. Im 15 min in and I swear this guy is taking you for a ride. When someone knows more (you know more than him) and corrects or makes a confident statement the lesser in knowledge will say "exactly" "oh yeah, for sure" in contrast to whatever they just said. Its a psychological trick.


I just think this guy is either a straight fake lying to you. Or he is just not giving enough info to make for a good cast. I finished the whole thing and this boy is too safe when choosing his words. I like that I heard something that was removed from the paych. It makes for better "radio" in a way. I feel like I havent learned much more


How's this guy gonna assess a threat when he knows nothing about history. "I don't know how many people Mao killed" You got played dude.


This dude, with lots of hedged bet remarks thrown in beforehand, claimed Mao only killed 10 million... go look up any historical estimates, smallest I‘ve ever seen is 40, most estimates put it at 60-100 mil. This is the equivalent of saying Nazis killed 500k-one mil. Also his claim that the world bank would never carry water for China is completely foolish, look at the Workd Health Organization, the US was the largest funder (along with Bill Gates) and they were OPENLY regurgitating Chinese government statistics and claims without ANY skepticism. Not to mention, when you’re talking about super national organizations completely controlled by world elites, the facade of nation to nation rivalries fade away, as they all get rich off each other. American oligarchs couldn’t care less if China is fucking over the American working class, as long as they get paid off it, which has clearly been the case for the past 30 years.


Who is this guy ? He seems like a nice fellow but as a historian, an economist or just an informed commentator on foreign countries, he's no good. Matt, you're working on a different level to this. Looks like there's even some dawgs who'd give MUCH better insight on history or economics than kindly ol' gramps... 🤦

General Willard

War Mode will surpass you soon enough. Gormandizer


Matt I don't wanna tell you how to do your show brother, and I kind of like this guy's voice and his approach to conversation; but he's a bafoon. Lack of information on death statistics aside, on conceptual level his understanding of the world is absolute junk. He's filling your head with crud. The guy said something along the lines that Las Vegas doesn't involve real money. What? Sure you're playing with chips, but if I win big, I'm gonna get payed. He equated the stock market to not real money. This is loser talk. This guy sounds like he lost when he went "all in", or was too stupid or too pussy to invest in any sort business. Idk. I'm not even pro China or pro America. This guy just doesn't know what he's talking about and I think you can do better than this Matt.


Well, I liked the conversation


https://youtu.be/9HFxVvrXjCg Got taken down for hate speech


Why would the world bank lie about their numbers? The IMF must be 100% truthful as well then right? Come on now... This guy knows his bubble, but can't see beyond it.


In China anything below $332 per year is considered impoverished. They live in mud huts, eat sand and wear the clothes that you bagged up and threw In the goodwill dumpster.


This guy is a total moron! There are so many bright thinkers out there, with deep knowledge of history and world affairs, this guy is not one of them. As a fan of the show and guy who lived in three countries and worked in many more; Matt, this guy is an IDIOT!


For sure these eps would be better if you record them w/ this dude who spells paid w/ a 'Y'


This guy has indian bob vagene energy