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Yay, Pg!

My amazing patrons will get:

💜 full size image

💜 step-by-step images

💜 PSD file

💜 Wallpaper

💜 NSFW versions (the Power Girl set will include the following variants: nude, several facial expressions, piercings, wet/yoghurt, preggo, Mr. Tentacle, wallpaper, Magic Mushroom, maybe more...)

💜 full coloring video process



Ted Brown

Now that sets off some fireworks! ;-)

Ferc Polo

YES, YES, Y. E. S. One of my all-time favorite DC characters. The character artist drew her larger and larger until eventually the editor called him out on it and that became her canon bust size. XD

Ashley Kate

Amazing!!! One of my all time favourites and I really want to see her mega shroomed.


Very nice to see Power Girl again after so long!


your other illustration of PG is one of my all time favorites. nice.


Nice callback by having her doing the same pose as your previous PG artwork. Fun fact: the original PG beachqueen was the very first set to feature Mr. Tentacle! Who knew he would become a recuring visitor in every new set. :P


So nice to see Power Girl back again! Is there a chance for my beloved Ivy Valentine to come back? And with her Soul Calibur 6 costume, giving us some booty angle...


Been waiting to see more of her and Azula!

Chupacabra Fuel

More Power Girl is always welcome!

Gerald L

oh nice it's been a hell of a long time since you did Power Girl so it's nice to see her again.


really powerful 💪🏻🤩


Power Girl is definitely my favorite dc girl, i like her for her.. Personnality. Speaking of muscular girl, any chance to see a Korra soon ? :D

Miriam Garrity

Just wanted to say I joined just now because of Power Girl! I love the way you draw her and other thick, powerful girls!


Second favorite DC lady after WW. I’m so delighted.


We need double magic mushroom on her


Those are some mighty melons :3


Perfection. I love her

Eva Kitty
