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Composition of the final piece may vary drastically.
I have no idea how to arrange them to make the drawing look good and cohesive :(
Suggestions are appreciated 



Arnaud (ADS-04)

Waow ! Im so hype to see the final version <3


Looking forward to seeing this completed~! 😍 Maybe move Melia a little down and to the left so she's not covering Sharla as much? Other than that I'd say the composition is fine!


Actually i happen to think the composition’s pretty good for the most part!


I love the Xenoblade attention, for sure in my top 3. For a suggestion: maybe moving them closer and having Sharla's arms around both of the others. Primed and ready for a "chain attack". I look forward to seeing the final :)


You are spoiling us. As far as suggestions go, depending on the setting I think a Riki cameo would be fun.


Yoooo you ended up putting all three girls! You're the best one!!! *_*


I would suggest moving bird lady slightly to the left, so her wings don't block Sharla.


Also, if it is not too much work, perhaps an alt with Fiora keeping the short hair? (Only if it is not too much work)