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Remember how like a week ago I said I had nothing this month except for my birthday? Well turns out I'm also apartment hunting since some of my ideal apartment buildings had openings 🤣

But I'm still powering through between showings! Starting off with Alex, Daichi, and Endeavor and his fan from a few months ago! Dont' worry there'll be a couple NSFW variants too~

Speaking of a few months ago, I still need to send out the Kinktober pack! So if you were around during October/November expect a DM from me soon!




Best belated apartment hunting! Hope its all going well! Alex and Daichi two delicious boys putting a show having many fans themselves while Endeavors fan must be living the dream being his personal flesh light/cocksleeve. Can guess he bought all of Endevours size naughty toys offical and unoffical but nothing beats getting a taste of the real thing lol! Ok I will be quite now sorry! Again hope house hunting goes well and a good bday whenever it be.


Mmm what a yummy spread 😋