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Pardon the absolute lack of graphic design, I'm down and dirty right now.

If you don't know, what I mean when I say "Shotgunning" is essentially working on a bunch of images at the same time with the idea that all things will get finished at roughly the same time. Do I usually do 3 months at the same time? No. But here we are.

It's 2022 and I will get caught up on my Patreon rewards! To do so, I've paused April's billing 😅 Most of these are patron suggestions which I took  last month! I really like taking suggestions and I might keep it on as a Patreon staple? It feels less restrictive than doing a poll.

I  also have a couple packs from late last year I still  need to send out so if you were around back then, then... first of all thank you so much for sticking around during this messy time in my life/career 😬 second of all, I'll be shotgunning sending those out too! DOWN AND DIRTY BABY!

I'm gonna look back at this post in 4 months and realize I was spiraling 🤣 Aight, back to work! 💪




I love it! My favorite are Adaman and MarianoCamilo. Thanks for the post


These all look great!


These look great and I appreciate the time you took to color coordinate


Gorgeous 😍


wait so there are all confirmed works your committing to or are we voting like usual? if its confirmed, HYYYYYPE

Lior Levine

My fav is hainoon bc i love ow men in general 🤤. They're all great besides that point :) ❤