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No NSFW content for right now but some fun, somewhat enticing, pics to get back into the swing of things! I decided to rest for like a week since my friends kept badgering me to, but if I'm being honest it stressed me out more not doing any work for so long! 😭 The first two images of my OC Katsuo are actually made for gacha cards for the group he's in so they're technically supposed to be kept secret so shhhhh 🤫

Now, it feels much better to be drawing once again! Just gotta... get in that horny drawing mood 😅




I have less than zero interest in fishing, but I'm about to BITE THAT LINE. or ... GOBBLE THAT BOBBER. whatever the fishing terminology is. :)


Nice man! I’m glad you are happy to be drawing again. Try not to be too stressed about not working when you need some time to yourself. Honestly SFW is nice to see too. Looks great.


Hey now, these are pretty amazing. Even though they aren't nsfw it's still wonderful to see your art in beautiful colorings. It's always a pleasure to see how much you keep improving each day. Very nice and job well done.


It may be SFW for you but those thigh high fishing waders on a hot bod sure does it to me 😏💦