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In which mod characters are tedious so I simply do not draw them until I render 🤣

Lowkey sorta art blocked right now so I'll probably re-do the Tonraq one but I wanted to get some ideas banged out for the bonus art! As in kinda kinkier fetish-y stuff. As in water sports this time cause it's been raining a lot here and it's subconsciously affecting me. 😅

First pic: My Thunder god OC Raiden! What's the best way to control a thunder god? Latex body suit 😉

Second pic: Was gonna be Tonraq being used by a group of Southern Water Tribe warrors but it feels so incredibly stiff that I am likely to re-do it 😅 I'm also doing a simpler Tonraq pinup for the base set too so who knows if I'll end up doing the double Tonraq whammy 😂

Okay I'm gonna go to my suffering but until then, stay safe, love y'all <3




There's quite a few fanfic's of bolin becooming to Toraq's sex slave. A master/sub style piece with bdsm gar between the to?


That Tonraq definitely looks like he’s begging for a drink 😎 I’m glad you’re gonna do some more watersports! Hope inspiration hits and feels good when it does. And I’ll take some of that rain please hah, this sun is making me feel like my entire body’s evaporating. 🙃


Ooooh I didn't know that was a popular pairing! Tbh the thought did cross my mind but with Tonraq as the sub cause I like shifting power dynamics 😂 definitely something to consider 😏


Honestly the only upside is that despite the high temperatures the evaporating rain makes it at least tolerable 😂 definitely take some of these rain showers though, the only showers I wanna focus on rn are golden ones 😩💦


Raiden!!! Such a pretty expression on his face for a deity 😍🤤🥰

Abe Libertas

Tonraq water bending spit-roast. UWU