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Last week I thought I was burnt out, this week I'm realizing I'm just physically ill! Anyhow, drew some mildly saucy RP stuff between throwing up and sleeping and thought you guys might enjoy! 😅 I'll get on with the nasty stuff this week though, I'm in an art mood now that I'm spending most of my time in bed! 💪😷

Featured here is my OC Katsuo;

  • Swimwear
  • Casual clothes (thigh highs, crop tops, and booty shorts come up a lot in conversation)
  • and then a collab I'm doing with a friend of our characters in the classic Magnet pose! 




Hope you get well soon 🙂 also, damn every time I see Katsuo I feel more and more interested in his... personality 😆 that crop top and thigh high socks are just amazing 🤤🤯


Hehe I'll be sure to show you even more... Facets of his personality. And thanks, I think Friday/Saturday was the worst of it tbh so I'm on the up and up. My throat is still killing me but at least I'm not nauseous anymore 😂