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I gotta get over my aversion to posting these kind of pre-lighting effect base art steps! I usually post them for all patrons but they really are more akin to WIPs yeah?

I'm actually REALLY loving how this month's rewards are coming! I think it's because someone in one of the RP groups I'm in called my art "creamy" which is just the adjective I'm going for so it was a bit of an ego boost 😅

For Zabaniyya I went for black leather instead of the brown leather he sports in that bondage skin because I added arm and leg braces and the all brown looked off and the mixed leathers looked REALLY off!

I actually also have a WIP of the Alex bonus pic done too but I wasn't really feeling it? So I moved on and did the Snake pic and I think doing the shadow during rendering is the play? For Alex I did regular shading and was going to use effects to over impose the shading that hole-in-the-wall kind of art does (which I might still end up doing, just to see how the two methods differ?) but wanted to see if I'd enjoy doing the shading all at once before I made up my mind one way or the other.

Anyway I'll try and post sooner next time I got content to share! I'm thinking of... going back to that Kinktober well and finishing up one or two of those one-shot images! They keep popping up in my Twitter notifications and I still love how most of them came out and wanna finish!! I hate having just random lineart laying around 🤣

Okay, enough talking about drawing and back to actually drawing for me!! 💪😤



Abe Libertas

Black leather and gold ornaments looks SO GOOD.