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My new AC unit arrived in the mail today and I am LIVING

My city's been having a heat wave this past week and it honestly melted my brain. It happens every Summer so this year I decided to beat the heat early to avoid a June/July slump! Anyhow, I am ALIVE and I am WORKING and this month's Patreon pack is gonna be LATE 😂 Well, probably at least 

For now though, please accept my humble offering of Damao from All Saints Street! Part of my current batch of SixFanarts, some NSFW will be provided once I send out May's reward packs ;) I'll probably only have time for two or three of the SixFanarts though and the others will be pushed into June 🙇‍♂️

Anyhow, back to work I go! Wish me luck and hope y'all are staying cool too!



Hayden Hayes

Lol you wouldn’t happen to live in Burlington would you? I go to UVM and lemme tell you I’ve been checking the weather and it is nuts!

Andres Castaneda Hernandez

I just started watching All saints street i still need to read the webcomic though


Honestly lol, like just a couple weeks ago we still have snowstorms and now just... burning heat and humidity 😂