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Do people still say Jollies? Look, I just like alliteration okay 😂

As I finish up June's reward pack, it's time to start thinking about July! With E3 come and gone there have been PLENTY of game guys on my mind. That being said.... most of this month's poll is dominated by Nintendo what with Pokemon Masters also being announced!
I did end up cutting a few options too cause I didn't want the list to go on forever, so if you had someone else in mind or even a situation you'd like to see, let me know too!

So, without further adieu, let me know which guys you wanna see! 💃



Such delicious options. But I will always be here screaming “RED. RED. RED. RED!!” 😆


to be honest I don't understand how people find milo sexy. someone explain this to me please @_@

Alex Winger

Shirota ( Handsome Polar Bear ) need more love yall, I mean... have you seen him?? https://66.media.tumblr.com/c5d97f3145958c4fd29948dda3544b08/tumblr_pt4ey9WVJc1y6nu62o3_500.png and some of the reactions when ppl saw him XD https://iamtypinglike98madmen.tumblr.com/post/185913309337/just-a-compilation-of-shirota-making-youtube


LBR, it's a lot to do with the buff bod baby face look. Personally I think his in game model is more "cute" than "sexy" but some of the fanart I've seen of him (where they give him a nose) really makes me see it 😂