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How obvious is it that the snowball is a SFW placeholder?

Shout out to Jacob Godoy for pointing out a primo pun opportunity for a Snow Gay Graves! looks like he and Braum are having a bit of a snowball fight, but maybe Graves has more than just snowballs to play with!

By the way It's been snowing again up here in Canada... We were so close to Spring too 😔

And much like this cold has beat me down, it seems El Tigre has been beaten down a peg or two as well! Though once I send out the full sets you might see that he was a bit... distracted during the fight 😏

Speaking of; packs should be ready for the 5th as per ushe! Just gotta finish a pinup for my OG ride or die $10 Patron crew as well as some variants of these beefy League of Legends men!

If I become catatonic on social media until then, that'll be what I'm doing 😂

Anyhow, love ya, see y'all soon, p.a.c.e <3



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